In June, a mission conducted by the Ministério de Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovação e Comunicações (MCTIC) [Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications] to Europe prospected partnerships for the “Brazil-European Union Joint Call on Lignocellulosic Biofuels”, whose goal is to foster the production of this type of fuel produced with agricultural waste.
Gustavo de Lima Ramos, Coordinator for Energy Development Actions at MCTIC, explained that the participants “discussed how European institutions working on similar research lines could cooperate with their Brazilian counterparts, as they had expertise in the same areas”.
Eduardo Soriano Lousada, General Coordinator for Sector Technologies, and Rafael Silva Menezes, Coordinator for Energy Development Actions, also participated in the mission, held in the context of the 8th Call of the European Union-Brazil Sector Dialogues Support Project.
In Salamanca, in Spain, during the 2016 America Biolbero Conference, Eduardo Soriano presented the main actions carried out by the General Coordination for Sector Technologies in the field of energy and the possible cooperation between Brazil and the European Union. Other countries in the Americas would also participate in these efforts. The delegates also visited the Institut de Recerca en Energia de Catalunya (IREC) [Catalonia Institute for Energy Research], in Barcelona. In Portugal, the delegates also visited the Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia (LNEG) [National Laboratory of Energy and Geology], with headquarters in Lisbon.
“We have contacted some institutions and have prepared drafts for cooperation projects, mainly projects calling for joint events involving the European Union and Brazil. The goal is to disseminate the knowledge resulting from the extensive research already done and to create opportunities for researchers to present the main products developed throughout the past years’, as Gustavo says.
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