The purpose of this project is to bring justice to women, in particular with regard to gender-based domestic violence crimes by fostering the exchange of experiences between Brazil and the EU, with an emphasis on two initiatives developed by the National Council of the Prosecution Service (CNMP in the Portuguese acronym).
The first is the “Selo Feminicídio” (Feminicide Seal), a project that helped the CNMP drastically reduce feminicide-related investigations in Brazil, leading to thousands of criminal actions being filed. The second initiative is the ground-breaking National Registry of Domestic and Family Violence (CNVD in the Portuguese acronym), developed by the CNMP in collaboration with the Public Prosecution Service from all Brazilian states. It brings together “Big Data” on Brazil’s domestic violence landscape.
A visit of Brazilian NGOs and government institutions to European institutions (from Portugal, Italy and Lithuania) with experience in the issues handled by the CNMP provided insight into the reality of these countries. A group of European representatives also visited Brazil in order to learn about our reality and our institutions, in addition to attending a seminar on tackling domestic violence held at the CNMP office. A book with the support of experts will also be published as part of the project in order to promote discussion on the topic and proven best practices to combat gender-based violence.
Founded UE. © Diálogos