This project is the continuation of a partnership signed between the European Union and Brazil under the Sector Dialogues Support Facility, on matters related to domestic violence against women. In the first project, relevant experiences were exchanged, and it was found that the National Register of Domestic Violence (CNVD) is a valuable tool for addressing domestic violence against women.
The scope of the project now aims to analyse how the full, continuous and sustainable use of the CNVD, provided for in the Maria da Penha Law, can generate important and vital information on addressing and preventing domestic violence against women. In addition, this project aims to increase the effective implementation of national guidelines to investigate, prosecute and try cases of feminicide under a gender perspective, in the Brazilian territory. Plans also include creating a partnership network that enhances inter-institutional cooperation and involves the National Secretariat of Policies for Women, the National Justice Council (CNJ), the National Council of the Public Prosecution Services (CNMP) and European institutions that work with the issue through the exchange of experience and best practices with European models that have had success in addressing domestic violence.
Planned actions include the drafting of a standardised risk assessment form that may be used by authorities and people dealing with domestic violence against women; preparation by project experts of a technical handbook on the CNVD and of the risk assessment form. The project also foresees courses to amplify the application the National Directives implementing the Latin American Model Protocol for the investigation of gender-related killings of women (UN Women). Finally, an international seminar will be held in Brazil to disseminate results achieved with the present project, increasing and intensifying the exchange of experience with the European Union.
Founded UE. © Diálogos