The so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution is characterised by the convergence, integration and digitisation of mature, cutting-edge technologies. This revolution reconciles mass manufacturing and customisation with competitively dynamic business and engineering processes. A number of potential bilateral initiatives of interest to Brazil and the European Union are available to help industrialised nations transition to the Fourth Revolution, which is also called Advanced Manufacturing.
This project is intended to bring together the MCTIC (Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communications), MDIC (Ministry of Industry, Foreign Trade and Services) and DG CONNECT to foster exchange of best practices on the development and implementation of public policies, primarily regarding global trends in connecting the industrial sector to the service sector.
In order to achieve the desired goals, a senior European expert will draw up an overview of initiatives and actions already undertaken by the European Union and its member states with a focus on advanced manufacturing for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This will also help identify the main focal points in the institutions involved in the implementation of advanced manufacturing policies and programmes within the EU.
This study should inform a technical mission to visit Europe to gain insight on the successful experiences of countries such as Belgium, Germany, Portugal, and Spain. Finally, a seminar will be held in Brasilia with the attendance of experts from the government, industry and research institutes from Europe and Brazil to present the findings of this study.
The main expected results are inputs to develop the National Advanced Manufacturing Strategy. In the long run, partnerships may be set up for projects to be developed between the institutions involved in this dialogue, with a focus on the integration of micro and small enterprises in the 4.0 Industrial Revolution.
Founded UE. © Diálogos