This project aims to promote the exchange of experience and good practices between the European Union and Brazil in relation to Industry 4.0 policies, programs and initiatives (public-private) that can enable digitisation, capacity building and professional training and investments. The objective is to increase the productivity of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), making it possible for them to enter into more competitive and global businesses.
It is true that technologies that drive actions in the field of cyber-physical systems (collaborative robotics, autonomous transport, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, big data, internet of things, advanced manufacturing, nanotechnology, biology and genetics, new materials), especially Industry 4.0, can bring great opportunities for SMEs, particularly those that are already players in large value chains.
On the European side, some countries, such as Germany, are betting on the development of small modular, flexible and connected industries that allow customized production based on fast logistics to meet the needs of consumers and large companies. In Brazil, the Ministry of Economy, MCTIC, SEBRAE and other development and financing entities have a common interest in concerting efforts for the development of the connected industry in the country.
Thus, the studies and surveys this project will produce can point to opportunities for cooperation between European and Brazilian SMEs to make them becoming more competitive, foster internationalization actions and subsidize the institutions involved in the definition of strategies to overcome obstacles in each country’s national markets.
Founded UE. © Diálogos