Aiming to contribute to the planning and decision-making related to the prevention and adaptation to climate change, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI) is developing a Brazilian system to monitor and observe the impacts of these changes. The initiative is a high priority of the “Programa 2050: Mudanças Climáticas” (Programme 2050: Climate Change), provided for in the federal government’s Multiannual Plan 2012-2015. In addition, the MCTI and the Ministry of Environment are developing a national climate change adaptation plan.
The European Union also considers adaptation a priority in facing climate change. The exchange of information between the EU and Brazil is considered of great importance in identifying challenges and seeking useful solutions for the design and setting up of the system to be developed not only in Brazil but also in other countries. This action provides for a workshop to exchange information between Brazilian and European experts on the monitoring and observation of the impacts of climate change. Among other topics, it will address monitoring systems and models, indicators, governance and the relationship between data and decision-making.
Founded UE. © Diálogos